Great Sandy Straits

by | May 4, 2019 | Australia, Fraser Island, Queensland Coast | 1 comment

First stage of our 5week adventure was to make it to the Great Sandy Straits inside passage of Fraser Island. Left early and arrived early the next day. Managed another overnight trip in shifts. Weather was a little iffy with a small squall coming through and wind gusts up to 25 knots. The seas were rolling again, but this time more on the beam. This helped make really good time even though we reduced our sails so that we would not arrive too early. Managed to time it right so that we arrived at the entrance to Wide Bay Bar just in time for high tide to bring us over the bar. Once we were inside the entrance it was flat calm. Completely different form the trip up the coast. Spent a couple of nights chilling at Fig Tree Creek anchorage and had good catch up sleeps after the overnight passage.


1 Comment

  1. Deb

    You guys are now officially pros at navigating the strait! Loved the pic of the colourful spinnakers, can’t recall if you have one, would come in handy for the trip up to the barrier reef if she gets the wind behind her. You need an extra photographer on board btw to capture the iffy passages, although hopefully there won’t be too many – fairwinds and talk soon ⛵️


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