Wow! I can't believe my last blog was Oct 13 at Bluewater Marina – Noel is so much better at this than me but for good order sake as we use our blog like a log book I will complete this years sailing route: Oct 16th we left Bluewater marina, yes I can say I have been...
Coral Sea
Sydney Christmas
Christmas Day Spent Xmas with the Sharams and a few of their friends. Jacqui cooked a great meal and I sort of sous "cheffed". There was lots of people around and the afternoon Christmas meal was great. This, added to the previous night's meal at the neighbour's place...
Port Macquarie to Pittwater
Said goodbye to Port Macquarie around 10 in the morning in order to get the tide across the bar. And because it was a short sail (around 50 nautical miles) to our next destination Cape Hawke or Forster as it's called we figured to get there in plenty of daylight. Cape...
Port Macquarie
Port Macquarie is a lovely little coastal town with a storied past as a penal colony from back in the early 1800's. We had set off from Coffs Harbour later in the morning and knew that the timing would put us there early the next morning. The overnight sail was...