Where the hell are we

It’s nice for us to be able to share where we are. These travels are taking us to different parts and we like to be able to let you know where we are even if it is virtual.

Marine Traffic

Use this map from Marine Traffic to see where we are located. If it is not showing our position then enter the MMSI number for MAD 2(316046961) in the search bar inside the map.

Vessel Finder

Sometimes the Marine Traffic map does not update correctly. Spent a lot of time trying to troubleshoot but … this one from Vessel Finder works if the other one doesn’t .. sometimes.

Making a Difference

There will never be a better opportunity than right now to travel and explore the world. What better way to do it than aboard the good boat MAD. We are taking a chance and getting out into the world to make a difference in our lives and hopefully the people we meet. Setting off on what really is an adventure of a lifetime. So please follow along as we attempt to Make A Difference in our lives aboard MAD.