Triabunna to Burgess Bay

Triabunna to Burgess Bay

We left Triabunna and trundled up the East coast of Tasmania knowing we needed to be tucked into some protected anchorages along the way. First stop Schouten Passage, about 5 hr sail from Triabunna and arrived late pm to the anchorage with about 4-5 other fishing...

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Weather can be finicky

Weather can be finicky

Everything we had planned for our Tasmania trip has happened without any hitches (fingers and toes crossed), the last on the to do list was to anti-foul here for the simple reason the hardstand lift was a fraction of the cost of mainland Australia, so after getting...

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Getting a clean bum

Getting a clean bum

Time to bring the boat onto dry land and spruce up the bottom. Last time was in February last year when we travelled from Brisbane down to the Gold Coast where BoatWorks did a great job. This year we are in Tasmania and opted for the hard working folks at Kettering -...

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Tasmania Tour

Tasmania Tour

After the Overland Track it was time to get in a rental car and see some of the other sites. Other sites involved visiting the vast number of wine, cheese, beer and gin distilleries all over the island. First stop was the lovely city of Launceston which is a 2 hour...

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Making a Difference
There will never be a better opportunity than right now to travel and explore the world. What better way to do it than aboard the good boat MAD. We are taking a chance and getting out into the world to make a difference in our lives and hopefully the people we meet. Setting off on what really is an adventure of a lifetime. So please follow along as we attempt to Make A Difference in our lives aboard MAD.