Really have to get better at posting. Been here for close to a month and I haven't posted anything. After we dropped Shelley off back on the 13th, we picked Liam up on the 15th for a 3 week visit. He spent some time with his grandparents while we took the opportunity...
Time to go South
It has been about 3 weeks since I posted our adventures up at Lizard Island ... been a little busy! Picked up Shelley at Cairns airport and came back to Port Douglas to continue our journey south. The goal would be to get as close to Brisbane as we could while the...
Lizard Island
In August 1770, Captain Cook named Lizard Island because all he found here were lizards. He ventured to the top of the island to see if there was a way through the reef and into the ocean. From the top of the island you can see what Cook discovered and they made their...
Port Douglas
Port Douglas north of Cairns is a small coastal town with a population of about 3,500 that caters to a large number of tourists that come to enjoy snorkeling and diving on the Great Barrier Reef. We spent a week here waiting for the weather to die down as it was...