Back to Montenegro and on to Vibo, Italy

by | May 5, 2022 | Italy, Mediterranean, Montenegro | 5 comments

Managed to survive in Sydney without catching COVID when all around us they were dropping like flies (figure of speech, everyone is fine). Got on that plane for our 31 hour travel time back to Tivat, Montenegro. We had booked the flights through Flight Centre thinking that they would handle the variations in the flights better with focus on bags over the usual 23kg limit. Managed to get on with Emirates who allowed 30kg bags. We needed that because we were taking back everything that we bought in Vancouver and in Australia including a wind generator and Axiom Chart plotter for the boat. When we transferred via Belgrade, Serbia to catch our Serbian Air flight to Tivat we had to retrieve our bags thinking that they were checked all the way through and on checking our ticket discovered that we had a business class seats to accommodate the 30kg bag on Serbian Air. Flight was just less than an hour but it was a nice bonus to have the section to ourselves and a nice snack and some wine.

Back at the boat we got to work getting things finished like the inner foresail that we had the young guy put up for us. Sorted out what was needed to install the new Axiom Chart Plotter including some stainless steel work in front of the helm. Wind generator organized, canopy completion organized. And of course, we had to go out for dinner (very chilly) and play some squash. Another string gone! Damn!! All of this we needed to do in a week before we took a flight to Vibo, Italy to help our friends the Gales bring their boat over to Montenegro.

Vibo, Italy

Arrived in Vibo and had a very warm greeting from Pete and Deb, They had arrived at their boat beginning of February and I think that they were very anxious to start going, so we looked for a weather window and a few days later we figured it was good to go. Well, we managed to get a couple hours out and the weather turned on us and we were doing one knot against it so turned around and headed back. Only took us 45 minutes averaging over 5 knots. Next window was another 5 days out and we managed to assist them in getting some things done on the boat, met some friends that they had acquainted themselves with, even tried some rope splicing thanks to Pete’s array of tools. Didn’t turn out great but the next one I did on MAD turned out great, if I do say so myself.

Once we got going there were a few stops. Messina Sicily at a very crappy marina. Had a couple days there with some wandering around and found a really nice restaurant even though it was more of a walk than anticipated. Got to see some more of the main streets with the orange trees growing on the side streets. Went to pick one and was cautioned that they are not very good. Never tasted it.

Set out relatively early for Crotone with an overnight anchorage at Siderno and then an early crossing to Crotone. During the crossing we encountered some wind and were expecting 15 – 20 knots. Turned out to be 25 to 35knots with 2 meter waves coming in behind us. Made for an adventurous crossing to Crotone. The boat, an Amel Sharki handled it well and we were all safe on board.

Crotone, Italy

Crotone turned out to be a lovely little town with a seaside boardwalk that was very active and of course all the Italians dress up and stroll through on the weekends. We were there a couple of days and planned the trip to Brindisi with an overnight anchorage on the heel of Italy at Santa Maria di Leuca, however, if we did overnight there we would then end up arriving in Brindisi at a late hour and would prefer to go into Brindisi harbour during the daylight hours, so we kicked on and did our first overnight in “Galene” arriving in Brindisi in the morning.

Brindisi, Italy

Brindisi, is a major port for ferries and also naval vessels. We went to the outer marina rather than go all the way in to the major port. That meant we could take a bus into town! Yea! The town was very active with loads of tourists and markets. We had our fill of Brindisi and organized the 24 hour trip across to Porto Montenegro. We had to check out of Italy so Deb had organized an agent that told us the customs officers could show up at the boat any time after their change of shift at midnight. Sure enough there was a knock on the hull at 1:30 am to check us out of Italy.

Our trip across the Adriatic Sea was uneventful and with 4 on board the shifts were 2 hours on and 6 off. Perfect! We made good time and arrived at the entrance to the Bay of Kotor earlier than expected. We motored into the customs dock and got checked into Montenegro without any issues even though we had about 40 litres of cheap Italian wine on board.

We arrived at the berth assigned to Galene which happened to be right beside MAD. Deb brought that boat in like a true skipper and we tied up real tight and who was there to take our lines but Mike and Helen. They had arrived to the boat a few days ahead of us and will be travelling with MAD for awhile. Stay tuned for more adventures with Mike and Helen.


  1. Shelley Beatty

    Beautiful pics! I glad it all went off without a hitch. Enjoy!! I’m with you in spirit.

  2. Wendy

    Love hearing about your travels….keep them coming with pics…love you both and stay safe❤️

  3. Lisa

    Thanks for the update. Been wondering how you’re doing and where you are. Glad it all went to plan.

  4. Valérie Chartrand

    Awesome happy sailing to the crew(s).

  5. Pete & Deb

    Great post Noel & Jacqui….kinda strange (but cool) being part of your story again!


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