After dropping Mike and Helen in Athens we made our way around the bottom of Athens and anchored in an industrial looking bay before moving on to Karystos. We had picked Karystos because of the ideal protection that we would get from the meltemi coming down. The Meltemi winds were known by the Ancient Greeks as the Etesian northerly winds. They result from a high-pressure system over the Balkans area and a relatively low-pressure system over Turkey. Anyway they can be very strong during July and August as we experienced last year in the Cyclades. They are supposed to wind down in September but we are still feeling them. We hid out in Karystos for a week waiting for the winds to subside and did some exploring. Went up the mast to try to figure out why our inner furler kept on jamming. Removed the sail and tried to get the furler off but it was too difficult, so now we have the furler there with no sail until we get to Turkey and have it repaired properly. Took the bikes out and rode out to a beach for a beach day.

After Karystos we did some island hopping and ended on the town quay in Ermoupolis where the ferry wake was horrendous. Every time a ferry came in or out the boat would rock so much we thought it might break one of the cleats. We occupied the spot right outside the restaurant. Took the trek up the hill to find the church. Good little hike.

Next stop was the northern end of Paros in a small bay. More protection from the meltemi. Met up with Dave and Di from Mon Ils. We had met them back in Parga. Their agenda was taking them on a similar journey as us so it worked out well to have some travelling buddy boaters for awhile.
We did some exploring on Paros up to the lighthouse and then stopped at the posh bar on the way back. 5Euros for a beer was a little rich for our blood. Took the water taxi from the north end into the town called Narousa to see if we could find more internet and have lunch and grab some groceries.

Hopped down the island for an overnight stop and then made our way to the island of Amorgos and tied up alongside on the quay. Had to move first thing in the morning to make way for the ferry. Not a problem as we were destined to take advantage of the change in winds form the south west and get pushed out to Kalymnos. Another 25 nm to Levitha with mooring balls and a farmhouse restaurant and no internet. Good for a swim even though the days are getting cooler.
Well another stop to wait out the meltemi or something close to it, in Kalymnos but that is okay because we want to wait before entering Turkey. Kalymnos is a typical Greek town with narrow streets, a few tourists, bakeries, coffee shops and friendly people. A castle to hike up to and few boat chores. We have been here close to a week and heading out on Sunday over to Symi and then Turkey where we have an appointment to get a re-rig on the boat in Marmaris. After Turkey we get back into Greece to Leros where we picked the boat up last year and will have it winterized to wait for us to come back next year.