Lizard Island

Lizard Island

In August 1770, Captain Cook named Lizard Island because all he found here were lizards. He ventured to the top of the island to see if there was a way through the reef and into the ocean. From the top of the island you can see what Cook discovered and they made their...

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Whitehaven Beach

Whitehaven Beach

Whitehaven is the goto beach in the Whitsundays. Long stretch of white sand and blue water. All the charter and resort excursions end up at Whitehaven. They even bring them in by seaplane. Gets very crowded at one end of the beach in the lee of the island ... which...

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Hamilton Island Marina

Hamilton Island Marina

Stock Up!! ... and a decent shower! Time to come in to a posh place for some provisions and of course, more grog. Seem to be drinking a little more than usual, but then again whose counting. Hamilton Island is an expensive holiday resort with some mega yachts. The...

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Making a Difference
There will never be a better opportunity than right now to travel and explore the world. What better way to do it than aboard the good boat MAD. We are taking a chance and getting out into the world to make a difference in our lives and hopefully the people we meet. Setting off on what really is an adventure of a lifetime. So please follow along as we attempt to Make A Difference in our lives aboard MAD.