On the Way to Gibraltar

by | Sep 11, 2024 | Mediterranean, Spain | 0 comments

We have been looking forward to getting to Gibraltar as it signifies to us accomplishment! The accomplishment of sailing in the Mediterranean for the past 3 years. Initially seeing Greece and experiencing some of the Meltimi winds and going, what the hell is this about. Seeing a lot of the islands and all the history. Getting from there the next year up to Montenegro and Croatia. Picking up Pete and Deb on their Sharki from Italy and then spending a lot of time with our good friends Mike and Helen. The experiences have been awesome. Managed to get back to Leros, Greece for more boat work and then to Turkey for more boat work. All the way across to Spain (without really stopping much), picking up new friends along the way. Wintering in La Raptia where the temperature didn’t get much colder that 15C and then of course more boat work. So we really feel that we could be ready to cross the Atlantic. But first we need to spend time with Michelle and see some of the Spanish coast.

Picked up Michelle in Ibiza or as they say Ibitha. We were one day away from experiencing one of the worst storms to roll through Ibiza. The day before it hit we had decided because of the rollie anchorages and multiple tourist yachts that we were better suited to spend time in Denia on the coast.


Denia turned out to be a real treat. It was some sort of festival and the Spaniards were right into it. The streets were lined with chairs waiting for the parade to start so we wanted to grab some but not for 8 Euro each. Wandered around instead and saw the area where they were preparing for the parade, all dressed up!


Michelle was scheduled on a flight back to Vancouver from Valencia so off we went on our 8 hour sail up to Valencia and into a marina that ended up being a little more remote that we anticipated. Had to get a taxi from the marina to the city, only option.

Had a little wander around and were considering the hop on hop off bus, but first we had to have a beer and a bite to think it over. As we are sitting there the table next to us that was getting all the best service because, we thought, well they are Spanish and speak the language. The guy turns around and starts speaking to us in very good English. Asks where we are from blah, blah and suggests that they show us around the city. My alarm bells go off but the girls were very engaging with them. Turns out they are a couple and been together for a number of years. Manuel is a teacher and Javier is a speech pathologist. Javier doesn’t speak English much but does understand more than he lets on. They showed us around the city, into the Valencia Cathedral and Roman ruins.

Next day they came and picked us up for a tour outside the city to the national park and then to the north of the city to an incredible lookout point and then a stop in Sagunto where there is a castle that covers 3 km. Unfortunately it was closed at the time so we had a little tapas instead in the local restaurant.

Said goodbye to Michelle the next day at some ungodly hour of 4am. Her flight out of Valencia was at 6:30 so it was an early wakeup and early cab ride for her.

We invited Manuel and Javier to come for a day on the boat with us in our next anchorage of Moraira. Busy anchorage but the boys had fun in the water and then we went for late tapas and met some friends of theirs that live in the area.

Next stop was Torrevieja. Not much of a town but the anchorage was good. Spent 2 nights here till the weather changed and the it was off to Cartegena.


Looking forward to this stop as we had heard a lot about it. Marina berth was not great right on the town quay which was very busy and we had to watch for undesirables.

Jeff Bezos new yacht was parked in the same marina. Rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. Looked old for a brand new yacht.

Had a wander in the city, obviously, and found out that Mike and Leni were also here so arranged unfortunately a very quick drink with them. We were heading off in the morning early so didn’t get to spend any time with them. But we did have lunch with Jacqui’s cousin once removed. They live in Murcia which is just up the road.

The southern coast of Spain is very unprotected for anchorages and you sometimes don’t know what you are going to get. We stopped off in a couple of them along the coast. During the early hours (between 11 pm and 4am) it was sometimes calm other times not so much. We booked inro a marina at Benalmadena outside of Malaga. The berth that we confirmed was not available so they wanted us into a 20 meter berth for our 14 meter berth AND wanted us to pay for the full 20 meter price. That night we tied up to the fuel dock and left first thing in the morning.


We had a really nice stop in the next marina in Estepona. They had a really nice old town and a good vibe. Could have stayed longer but our goal was to get to Gibraltar just down the road.


Made it to Gibraltar! We motored down the coast from Estepona so that we could stay in the ~20 meter mark and the fact that there was no wind. Spent one night at anchor in La Linea, Spain and then came into the Queensway marina the next morning. A very tight squeeze getting in.

English spoken but the majority seem to be Spanish working in Gib. Still very British!

Our goal from here is to head to Tangiers probably next week, but first we had to hike up Gibraltar rock to see the monkeys and St Michaels Cave, well worth the slog up there!


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