Setting Foot in Tasmania with Crew from MAKO

Setting Foot in Tasmania with Crew from MAKO

From our well rested Jamieson Bay night (Flinders Island) we started our 50 nm trek to St Helens around 0700hrs on a nice calm morning (yeah!!). At one point I looked out and saw what I thought was a log and quickly manoeuvred MAD around to find the log had...

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Crossing Bass Strait

Crossing Bass Strait

The Strait Bass Strait is a notorious stretch of water between mainland Australia and Tasmania. Numerous vessels have had their share of difficulties in crossing the strait. The 1998 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race resulted in the loss of 6 lives and 5 boats. So, it is...

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Australia on Fire

Australia on Fire

Bateman's Bay is apparently a beautiful spot, however we wouldn't know it because Australia is on fire! The smoke is causing 1) the boat to be filled with ash again, 2) breathing is an issue. Can't imagine what it would be like for the firefighters trying to control...

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Making a Difference
There will never be a better opportunity than right now to travel and explore the world. What better way to do it than aboard the good boat MAD. We are taking a chance and getting out into the world to make a difference in our lives and hopefully the people we meet. Setting off on what really is an adventure of a lifetime. So please follow along as we attempt to Make A Difference in our lives aboard MAD.