We Meet Again

We Meet Again

Finally after 15 months Jacqui and I finally meet again,... in Athens. Arrived about an hour apart and first things first (a stiffling 37 degrees), hugs, collect the bags, get a SIM card for each of us and then book a COVID test for our trip to Leros in 2 days. We had...

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Nearly on our way!

Nearly on our way!

15 months has been a long time with Noel in Canada and me in Australia.  After a lot of waiting, two visa applications and 1 rejection for Noel to come back here, we made some pretty drastic decisions and went into full time planning. We are finally at a point...

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Changes Ahead!

Changes Ahead!

Here we are in the 1st quarter of 2021. Jacqui and I are STILL in different countries, coming up to a year now. I had been hanging in Nelson for 10 months and now back to the lower mainland to start keeping busy and earn a couple of dollars while here. At least it has...

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BIG THINGS FOR 2021 (fingers crossed)

BIG THINGS FOR 2021 (fingers crossed)

January 2021 Settled in Raby Bay Marina for Christmas Dave was able to secure an employment contract for 3 months starting Dec 14th so hightailed it home around the 9th, back to the luxury of land loving routines.  Thanks Dave for being an awesome sailing buddy.  I...

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I know life sucks :)

I know life sucks 🙂

Wizard of the Wind PORT CLINTON – Sept 2 We left Yeppoon Sept 1 and after a quick overnight at North Keppel we headed to Port Clinton. Travelling with a few other boats, (Wizard of the Wind, Kia Ora and Horizons) we caught a nice spotted mackerel and shared it with...

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