Worldwind tour through Vancouver

by | Jan 18, 2022 | Vancouver | 1 comment

It’s been a couple of months since we last made a post to the MAD boat. We left the boat in Montenegro and travelled through England back to Canada where we have been with friends and family. Travelling through England was interesting, we landed in Stansted airport and had to catch a flight the next day from Gatwick. Over an hour away. We originally were going to stay in England for a few days, however given the amount of COVID there (50,000 cases a day) we decided that one day was plenty. Bit of a challenge getting from the airport to the hotel at 11 at night. Knew it was close so took the advice of the taxi dispatcher and caught the long term parking bus (for free) to the very last stop in the parking lot, then a short walk across the round-about to the hotel. Next day got the bus to Gatwick airport and the Premier Inn for an overnight stay. Had a wander around near the hotel checking out the prices for everything and managed to get out of England without catching COVID.

Arrived Vancouver to discover that the province is in the middle of an “Atmospheric River”. What the f__k is that! Didn’t know what to make of it all, only know that it made it difficult to get around the province. Washed out roads and bridges from all the rain. In all the years in Vancouver I don’t think I had ever heard or experienced an Atmospheric River, I just know it rains a lot in November.

Pete trying to get the boots on

Joined the squash club again on the 3 month “Trial Membership” yea, not sure if I like squash … hahaha and managed to get quite a few games in. Well worth the $100 if only around for a short time. Played some doubles and singles and really great catching up with everyone there at the club. Even managed to get a game over at VRC as part of the city doubles league.

Went up to Whistler for a couple of days and Pete and I went skiing whilst the girls went to Scandinavia Spa. I have not been on skis for maybe 8 years and the rentals didn’t help, blunt edges, but managed to make it down the mountain with only one small wipeout.

Had the opportunity to stay at Michelle’s basement suite in North Vancouver and spend Christmas here which was great. It has been a while since I had Christmas in Vancouver and had a great Smith/McBratney Xmas dinner and tons of fun but wouldn’t you know it, it snowed so we got to enjoy a white Xmas which never normally happens on the day but it did this year. Seems there was a lot of snow this year in Vancouver and cold! After coming from a very hot summer in Greece the cold seemed to hit us harder. Could have been our imagination. Strange weather everywhere.

Gingerbread house curtesy of Jordanna, fab Xmas jigsaw puzzle by Jordy and Jacqui and great company of Liam and Anya, Kirk, Josh, Nicole and Reece, Michelle and of course ourselves. Great visits with Meghan and Jesse. A Xmas that will be remembered for many years to come.

We took advantage of squashing and hiking. Jacqui did more hiking than me but I did more time on the doubles court.

After spending two long overdue months catching up with family and friends we had a blast and so thankful for everyone’s kindness and welcoming back we experienced. We will be forever grateful for our family and friends in Vancouver and there is always an open invite to come visit us wherever we may be. However, as usual time to move on for the MAD crew with constant itchy feet and on Jan 9th we departed for Sydney Australia to visit with the rest of Jacqui’s family downunder 🙂

1 Comment

  1. Laura Ramsay

    It was so great to see you again!!! Just wish I could have played squash with you?. Especially miss you in the dubs court!!!
    Looking forward to your next adventure. Enjoy!!!?


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