Off to Fraser Island

Off to Fraser Island

Arrived back in Brisbane and spent a few days provisioning and running errands. Making sure that MAD was up to the new adventure. Marine mechanics had a month to do a service on the engine while we were in Vancouver, but noooo, they decided that they would do it the...

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Great Sandy Straits

Great Sandy Straits

First stage of our 5week adventure was to make it to the Great Sandy Straits inside passage of Fraser Island. Left early and arrived early the next day. Managed another overnight trip in shifts. Weather was a little iffy with a small squall coming through and wind...

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Making a Difference
There will never be a better opportunity than right now to travel and explore the world. What better way to do it than aboard the good boat MAD. We are taking a chance and getting out into the world to make a difference in our lives and hopefully the people we meet. Setting off on what really is an adventure of a lifetime. So please follow along as we attempt to Make A Difference in our lives aboard MAD.